Report Guidelines

Guidelines for Submitting Project Report and Project Presentation

Your report should include:

  1. Acknowledgment
  2. Abstract
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Objectives
  5. Introduction
  6. Application
  7. Literature survey
  8. Existing System
  9. Methodology
  10. Implementation
    1. Block diagram
  11. Results
  12. Problems Faced and solutions
  13. Limitations and future enhancements
  14. Conclusion and recommendations
  15. References

[Students can add their own topics or sub-topics as per necessity.]


Your project report should be submitted in plastic-tape-binding form. The project report should meet following standards:

Font Name: Times New Roman

Font Size: 12 points

Paper Size: A4

Left Margin: 1.5 inch

Right Margin: 1.25 inch

Top Margin: 1 inch

Bottom Margin: 1 inch

Header and Footer: 0.5 inch

Line Spacing: 1.5

Heading should be written in following styles and sizes

1 Heading 1: 18 points (Bold)

1.1 Heading 2: 16 points (Bold)

1.1.1 Heading 3: 14 points (Bold) Heading 4: 13 points (Bold)

You should prepare presentation slides that can describe your project with in the time limit. The presentation slides should include topics from the project report in short in concise form. Presentation should be done in English.

Time for presentation

10 min presentation

10 min questionnaire/demo

For presentation, students should be in formal dress

Project Presentation and Report Submission:

Will be determined later