Secrets of C Programming Language Contents
The Secrets of C Programming Language
1 Introduction to Computer & Programming
1.1 Classification of computer
1.2 Historical Development of Computers
1.3 Generation of Computers
1.4 Computer System and Organization
1.5 Programming Languages
1.6 Program Design Tools
1.7 Features of a good program
1.8 Problem Solving Using a Computer
1.9 Workout Examples
2 Introduction to C Language
2.1 History
2.2 Sample C programs
2.3 Basic structure of a C programs
2.4 Programming style in C
2.5 Compiling and Executing programs written in C
3 Lexical Elements, Operators and the C System
3.1 Character Set
3.3 Tokens
3.4 Precedence and Associativity of Operators
3.5 Variable Declaration
3.6 Expressions
3.7 Assignment Statements
3.8 Data Types
3.9 Type Conversion
3.10 Input and Output
3.11 Simple Macros
3.12 Mathematical Library Functions
3.13 The C System
3.14 Workout Examples
4 Decision making (Selective Structure)
4.1 Relational, Equality and Logical Operators
4.2 Expressions using relational, equality and logical operators
4.3 Compound Statement
4.4 The Expression Statement and Null Statement
4.5 The if Statement
4.6 The if-else Statement
4.7 Nested if-else Statement
4.8 Multiway conditional Statement
4.9 The switch Statement
4.10 The Conditional Operator (?:)
4.11 Workout Examples
5 Looping (Repetitive Structure)
5.1 The while Statement
5.2 The do Statement
5.3 The for Statement
5.4 Comparison of while, do-while and for loops
5.5 The Comma Operator
5.6 Multiple initializations & multiple statements in increment part in for loop
5.7 Nested Loops
5.8 Loop Interruption
5.9 Workout Examples
6 Functions
6.1 Need for user defined functions
6.2 Function definition
6.3 Traditional Style Function Definition
6.4 Function call
6.5 Function prototype
6.6 Different ways of using functions
6.7 Call by value & call by reference
6.8 Scope Rules
6.9 Function Call Sequence
6.10 Storage class
6.11 Multi-file Programming
6.12 Recursive Functions
6.13 Workout Examples
7 Arrays, Pointers and String
7.1 Array Basics
7.2 Pointers
7.3 Operator Precedence and Associativity Revisited
7.4 Relationship between arrays and pointers
7.5 Dynamic Memory Allocation
7.6 Call-by-reference
7.7 Arrays as function arguments
7.8 Storage mapping of arrays
7.9 Arrays of pointers & pointer to pointer
7.10 Strings
7.11 Strings and pointers
7.12 String handling functions in standard library
7.13 Ragged array
7.14 Argument to main()
7.15 Pointer to function
7.16 The Type Qualifiers const and volatile
7.17 Workout Examples
8 Structures and Union
8.1 Structure Basics
8.2 Accessing member of structures
8.3 Initialization of structures
8.4 Assigning structure to other structure
8.5 Structure as argument to function
8.6 Array of Structures
8.7 Nested Structure
8.8 Pointer to Structure
8.9 Operator precedence and associativity revisited
8.10 Structure containing array member
8.11 Structure containing pointer members
8.12 Self Referential Structures
8.13 Unions
8.14 Difference between Structure and Union
8.15 Bit fields
8.16 Workout Examples
9 Bitwise Operation and Enumeration Types
9.1 Bitwise Logical Operators
9.2 Bitwise Shift Operators
9.3 Operator Precedence and Associativity Revisited
9.4 Masking
9.5 Enumeration Types
9.6 Workout Examples
10 File Handling
10.1 File Access
10.2 Formatted Input/Output
10.3 Character Input/Output
10.4 Direct Input/Output
10.5 Random File Access
10.6 File operation
10.7 Error Handling
10.8 File Descriptor Input/Output
10.9 Workout Examples
11 The Preprocessor
11.1 Macro Replacement
11.2 Macros in stdio.h and ctype.h
11.3 Conditional Compilation
11.4 File Inclusion
11.5 Additional Preprocessing Directives
11.6 Workout Examples
12 Additional Features
12.1 Using variable number of arguments
12.2 goto Statement
12.3 Executing Operating System Commands
12.4 Accessing Environment Variables
12.5 Accessing System Time
12.6 Dynamic allocation of Matrices